Posted in photography, winter

Words for Wednesday: January bare branches

blogimg_6997January always seems like such a long month especially since we are usually caught in the throes of blustery winter weather where I live.

Snow, ice, blasts of frigid temperatures, bleak and often dismal skies. That’s usually the norm here every January. And this first month of 2019 proves no different from years past.

I happened upon this poem one day while gleaning for thoughts on our coldest season of the year and it seemed to perfectly accompany a photo I took in the dead of a January winter a couple of years ago.  The poem’s ending also fits well with the ideas of light rolling around in my mind for over a week now.

January Morn

Bare branches of each tree
on this chilly January morn
look so cold so forlorn.
Gray skies dip ever so low
left from yesterday’s dusting of snow.
Yet in the heart of each tree
waiting for each who wait to see
new life as warm sun and breeze will blow,
like magic, unlock springs sap to flow,
buds, new leaves, then blooms will grow.

Like heart and soul in every man
who let their light grow ever dim
a spark still burns low within
longing to burst forth, to shine again.
Like bare branches on a January morn
don’t feel cold, don’t feel forlorn.
Our Heavenly Father like warm spring sun
like gentle warm wind when called upon
will make each light burn bright again. 

By Nelda Hartman

January won’t last forever and neither will winter weather. Soon spring will burst forth in all its glory and winter will be frozen into the past until next year.

What’s January like in the area where you live?



Mama of this empty nest, I’m content to live a quiet, country life with my husband of 40+ years and to view gorgeous sunsets off our own back yard deck. Mama to three adults and Nana to adorable grandchildren, my empty nest fills up again with noise and laughter when they all return 'home'. A former English teacher, reporter/editor, education director for a non-profit organization, and stay at home mom, I retired after a season of substitute teaching at a private academy. Now I enjoy time spent with my grandchildren and family and writing words that seem to pour out of my soul or wandering around the countryside with my camera. Foremost, my faith sustains me as I meander through the empty nest stage of life. My favorite scripture is 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18: “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

12 thoughts on “Words for Wednesday: January bare branches

  1. Our January here in southern Ontario is much like yours. It’s been blisteringly cold and snowy for several days; then well above freezing today with rain; below freezing temps predicted for the rest of the month (which means slippery roads ahead!) I keep telling myself it will soon be over and spring is just around the corner, but I admit to being impatient.


    1. We’ve had those slippery roads too as it keeps fluctuating between snow and rain. It was rainy and foggy today which melted some of the snow, but our driveway is very icy. Spring will come and we will be so glad for its arrival!


  2. Yes, January is a bleak month. We have cool temps, maybe a little snow (usually amounting to a couple of inches: all that we can handle!).
    I came across a poem yesterday while looking for the handwritten items for my blog post today. I didn’t take it from where I found it, but I memorized the last line years ago: “Oh, that’s the reason a bird can sing: on his darkest day, he believes in spring!”. One of my favorites!


  3. We have 31 degrees and icy foggy roads today. I am not going anywhere. Perfect day to just stay inside and find some projects to work on. January seems so long at times and I don’t even live someplace cold or snowy but I tire of it. The poem is lovely.


    1. We’ve been in the deep freezer for a couple of days with single digit temps at night and wind chill below zero. But weird weather coming today – supposed to be 49 degrees then snow again this weekend. Go figure. I too thought the poem was lovely.


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