Posted in Life, societal issues

Words for Wednesday: twisted twisters

Have you ever played a game of Twister? Our oldest grandchild likes it and this ol’ Nana and Papa try to play it with her but usually only go one round before some body part starts to ache.

Twister is a silly game that first came on the market from the Milton Bradley company in the late 1960’s and I remember thinking it was really fun to play when I was a kid too.

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch on

Participants play on a large plastic mat you spread out on the floor. Printed on the mat are six rows of four colored circles – red, yellow, green, and blue – all lined up by color. Players use a spinner which tells you where you must place your right or left hand or foot and on what color.

As the game proceeds, players practically must be contortionists to follow the directions and end up twisted this way and that. It was often advertised as the “game that ties you up in knots.”

Is it just me or do a lot of folks in our current society find themselves tied up in knots? And I don’t mean just trying to utter tongue twisters like “rubber baby buggy bumpers” quickly said several times.

A funny admonishment I’ve heard people say is “Don’t get your shorts in a knot.” Well, today it seems, too many people’s shorts are twisted into knots of anger, plain old meanness, and they are too hasty to spout off loud, divisive opinions when they don’t agree with you.

Don’t like this politician? Scream in rage. Don’t like this or that media’s report? Shout out your wrath. Don’t agree with your neighbor, your co-worker, or your family member’s opinion? Respond with antagonism and name calling.

For heaven’s sake, vitriol was even spewed on social media about the recent passing of Queen Elizabeth II. Hateful, vile things said, wishing her a painful death.

Twisted. It appears to me that our world is more twisted than ever. Not only does it seem people are more infuriated or incensed with resentment, but they’re also more willing to provoke and annoy others to the point of fury. What ever happened to simply agreeing to disagree?

We can’t or won’t because we’re twisted. And so much all around us is twisted as well.

The news is twisted – one source says one thing, and another says the complete opposite and we’re left not really knowing what to believe. Who is telling the truth? Who promotes fabrications? Can we even believe the so-called “fact checkers” because who is checking that they are telling the truth?

Even what we view as “entertainment” is twisted.  Movies, television shows, music – so much of it promotes darkness, the seamy side of life. Evil, violence, sick and twisted plot lines.

I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of it. That’s why I hardly watch television at all and seldom do Papa and I even go to the movies let alone rent a DVD to watch any more.

Just recently, I became aware of an animated series being advertised that appears to really be twisted. And what “gets my shorts tied up in a knot” is that it twists beliefs that I have as a follower of Jesus and promotes evil. Because it’s animated no doubt teens and probably children will view this program. A double whammy against this show in my book.

It angers me when young people, especially children, are subjected to…call it the dark side if you will. Childhood should be a time of innocence. They will learn all too soon how evil permeates this world, so I believe we should protect our young ones’ minds, hearts, and spirits above all.

And It bothers me tremendously when people twist God’s Word. And that is done so much of the time. People who call themselves teachers and preachers can easily twist scripture, take a verse out of context, and make it fit whatever their agenda may be.

It’s not hard to do. You just find a verse and try to make it say whatever you want it to say. That’s why it’s important for me as a believer in Christ to study God’s Word carefully – not just read a verse and try to interpret it however I want. Instead, it’s vital to read the entire passage, chapter, or even the book of the Bible it’s found in to put it into proper context.

The Apostle Paul urged his fellow missionary Timothy to “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15 KJV)

If I listen to someone’s sermon or message, it’s my responsibility to make sure what is uttered is accurate and found in God’s Word as Biblical truth.

And even Paul’s words were weighed and measured by a group of believers known as the Bereans to ascertain that what he said was truth.  “Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.” (Acts 17:11 NIV)

We’ve got to figure out how to untwist ourselves, discern what is true in this world and what is false because even history is being twisted.  And what kind of history – true or false – will survive for future generations? How will they know and recognize truth?

“Too often the past has been twisted to fit the visions and agendas of the present.” ~ Thomas Sowell

© 2022

Posted in Life

Twisted…like a pretzel

blogIMG_5786Do you ever feel like you’re just all twisted up in knots?

Like all the stressful events happening in your life just latch onto your insides making your stomach twist and turn more than Chubby Checker teaching everyone in the 60’s how to learn a new dance craze. 

Or physically when everything – muscles, ligaments, tendons –  in your body decides to revolt against you resulting in the feeling that you’ve been rolled out by a heavy hand, turned and twisted like a pretzel.

Often I find myself twisted. And I have to remind myself that it’s usually me that stresses myself, me that let’s my stomach knot. Me, me, me. It’s all about me.

“Ego and pride is a two headed twist.” ~ T.F. Hodge

But it’s not all about me. The world does not revolve around me. Nor does it require my two cents to continue to revolve around the sun.

I find myself twisted when I focus on myself instead of on God. When I don’t rely on my Savior. When I don’t trust Him to work things out, smooth things over, untie the knots that bind me.

When I don’t allow Him to untwist my pretzel self.

Back in late summer, we took a little respite away from home for just a couple of days to unwind a bit. We traveled to a popular tourist area in our own state and our middle daughter and granddaughter accompanied us on our little jaunt.

One of the fun spots we visited was the Julius Sturgis Pretzel BakeryWe learned a mouthful about pretzels there and we stuffed our mouths with that yummy snack too. 

Back in the 1700’s, German immigrants, also known as Pennsylvania Dutch, began baking “soft” pretzels. That was the norm back then; there was no such thing as eating hard pretzels.

But one day, baker Julius Sturgis over-baked a batch of pretzels resulting in hard, what was thought to be inedible, pretzels. But instead of throwing them out to the animals, as was usually done when pretzels were over-baked, he decided to taste them.

He liked the result, so he began deliberately baking hard pretzels. They were a hit and he opened the first commercial pretzel bakery in Lititz, Pennsylvania in 1861.

We not only learned about how the pretzels we eat today got their beginnings, but we got to practice shaping a pretzel as well.  The story of that distinctive shape is very interesting.

Legend has it that a monk in 610 AD in either Italy or France invented the pretzel when he decided to devise a way to reward little children for memorizing their prayers during the Lenten season. He took some unleavened bread dough and twisted it so it resembled arms crossed in prayer.

blogIMG_5785While touring the colonial aged building where Julius Sturgis’ pretzel bakery originated,  a tour guide talked us through a hands-on demonstration as so we could shape our own pretzels. First we were given a lump of dough (similar to play-dough).

Next we were instructed with the official Sturgis Bakery directions: 

  • Twisting a pretzel starts with rolling a string of dough 12 inches long. 
  • Then form a U shape with the dough. This represents a child’s prayers going up to heaven.
  • Cross the ends of the dough to form an X, then twist one time. The knot represents the union of marriage between the child’s parents.
  • Pull the ends of the dough down and press them unto the bottom of the pretzel.
  • The three openings represent the Christian Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The shape also resembles a child’s arms crossed in prayer.” (from Sturgis Pretzel Bakery information sheet)

Who knew? We surely didn’t.

We are a family of pretzel lovers and we just so happen to live in the state where about 80% of America’s pretzels are made. If you’ve never eaten a Pennsylvania pretzel, you don’t know what you’re missing.

At the end of our tour, we each were given a complimentary bag of Sturgis pretzels. Delicious.

Now every time I eat a pretzel, I think of the meaning behind the original pretzel shape. And what I really need to remember is when I feel twisted up like a pretzel, I must raise my pretzel arms in prayer to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

That’s when I will be untwisted.

“Sometimes God writes straightforward in twisted lines.” ~Gloria Trevi





Posted in Life, photography

Life’s twists

blogIMG_0765.jpgHave you ever heard or seen something that just goes beyond what you call normal? Often times, we shake our heads and say, “Man, that’s twisted.”

This week’s photo challenge theme is exactly that – twisted.

I really haven’t had time to grab my camera and go out to capture a shot that would fit the challenge, so I resorted to my photo files. As I searched for a picture, the image of twisted that sprung forth in my mind was of tornadoes – sometimes called twisters.

I do have a bit of experience with twisters and have witnessed firsthand the devastation they cause. But I’ve never had an opportunity to capture one with my camera. And you know what? For that I’m grateful. I’d rather be safely ensconced in an inside walk-in closet than be sticking my camera out at a funnel-shaped onslaught of destruction.

In their wake, tornadoes leave a lot of twisted debris. The force of a twister is unreal, bending metal, stripping trees bare of their bark, picking up and smashing houses to smithereens.  As I was considering that, a photo I’d taken last summer came to my mind. (The photo above)

On a day trip, we ventured northward and visited Kinzua Bridge State Park located in the Kinzua Gorge. Years ago a tornado slammed into a railroad viaduct there, which was once the longest and highest such structure in the world, and destroyed a good portion of it. Its twisted metal skeleton still remains several feet below the surviving towers of the structure which have been turned into a sky walk.

But twisted things aren’t always the result of something horrific. Sometimes twisted items are things of beauty like this exquisite and huge glass sculpture fashioned by artist Dale Chihuly. One long winter season a few years ago, Papa and I visited our nearby city conservatory and botanical garden just to get a glimpse of color and this sculpture hung in the entrance hall of the conservatory.

blogDSCN0573 (2).jpgSo when it comes to twisted things, it’s all in your perspective, isn’t it? Just like life. Are you going to go through these days on earth you’ve been given with a negative attitude every time life doesn’t turn out quite like you planned (that could be really twisted) or will you embrace each day of life with an upbeat spin no matter what happens?

It may take some tweaking here and there, but I’m choosing to twist my attitude. Go for the optimistic. Be encouraging not critical. It’s up to me to decide which way I turn. And on that note, maybe I’ll just go fire up some oldies tunes and if I’m lucky, I’ll hear Chubby Checker singing “C’mon baby, let’s do the twist.”

You’re never too old to twist and see where it takes you.

“Life has many twists and turns and sometimes what looks like a very bad day can just be clearing the way for good things to come.” ~ J. Kim Wright
