Posted in Life, music

The gift of song

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On this Sunday, this 18th day of my 30 Days of Thanks Giving, I am worshiping my Lord in my church. One aspect of the worship service that I always love in any church I’ve visited is the time of lifting our voices in songs of praise.

I love to sing.  The melodies and lyrics of songs stick in my mind easier than other things I need to memorize. Singing has always been a huge part of my life. I vividly recall as a youngster when my family would gather around the piano that stood in our home’s living room.

One of us would play the piano and we three sisters would sing together, harmonizing. Often our mother would join in; Dad didn’t sing but he enjoyed sitting there listening to us all raise our voices in musical tribute. We sang carols at Christmas time and the rest of the year, we sang old hymns.

I can sing soprano although I’m not a strong soprano as I can’t quite hit some of those really high notes. In school chorus, I sang in the soprano section; however, I’m more comfortable in the alto range. I sang in a youth and adult choir at my home church and after marrying and moving away from home, I joined every choir in each church Papa and I attended.  

At our church in the Pacific Northwest, I even participated in a choir/presentation group where we staged songs, movements, and theatrical productions at our own church and traveled to other churches in our district.

Whether it’s an old hymn I’ve known from childhood or a praise song from recent years, or a newer, contemporary piece by a Christian artist like in the video I’m sharing with you today, I will sing the words of praise to my Lord from my heart.

My thankful heart. And I thank Him for giving me the gift of song.

“God smiles when we praise and thank Him continually. Few things feel better than receiving heartfelt praise and appreciation from someone else. God loves it, too. An amazing thing happens when we offer praise and thanksgiving to God. When we give God enjoyment, our own hearts are filled with joy.” ~ William Law
