Posted in Life, photography

Words for Wednesday: come walk with me

“Walk through this world with me, go where I go…” (lyrics written by Sandy Seamons and Kaye Savage and recorded by George Jones, country singer)

Today I’m asking you to take a walk with me.

Come walk with me

In my neck of the woods,

To spot what wonders

We are likely to see.

Embrace the coolness of the morning

After the sun awakens the day.

Wind down the path listening

As feathered friends greet us on our way.

It might be surprising, never knowing

What we may hear or may see,

Perhaps a shy rabbit, a scampering lizard,

Or a blossoming tree.

Breathe in and breathe out

Fresh air that abounds.

We’ll pause just a moment

To listen to some sounds.

The ponds covered in lily pads

Provide a lovely sight,

While bull frogs bellow

With all of their might.

Come walk with me

In my country air;

For just a moment,

Find God’s beauty there.

“An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

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