Posted in cats, empty nest, Pets

A Tale of Two Kitties

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”  So begins the tale of two kitties.

I just had to borrow that famous first line from Charles Dickens’ masterpiece, A Tale of Two Cities, for today’s post.   I humbly concede that I’m no great author.  I certainly haven’t written any classic works of literature.  I write a little bit on a personal blog and somehow manage to keep a few readers and subscribers entertained or interested enough to keep me on their cyber rotations.

But I digress from my tale.  Up until last weekend, there were two cats living at my house.  And I believed while it was the best of times, it was also going to become the worst.

To explain my rationale for it being the best of times, last month our oldest daughter moved back to our home state [yay!] after a few years living down South.   Her plan was to move in with our middle daughter and her roommate in their apartment in the city, but until oldest daughter could arrange to visit the property management company, complete her application, get her name on the lease, and pick up a key, she bunked here with Mom and Dad temporarily.

She literally started her new job the day after she moved here, so between getting acclimated at her place of employment, unpacking a few clothes and necessary items, and driving back and forth to the city, she was swamped.  But for Daddio and me, it was great having her here, so  that explains the best of times. 

When daughter moved in with us for those couple of weeks, her cat was a part of the package deal.  That’s where I feared the worst of times would kick in and the tale (or should it be tail?) of two kitties ensued.

blog077Kitty #1 is the domestic dominator of our domain, her domicile.  She’s the queen bee, her royal highness.   Her name is Callie, the calico cat, and she belongs to hubby and me – or maybe it’s the other way around, we belong to her.

Anyway, I was certain she would view Kitty #2 as the unabashed usurper of her utopia.  Kitty #2 is oldest daughter’s huge black male cat who, as king of the hill, naturally ruled the roost at her apartment.

We expected this underling upstart named Jack would upset the reigning royalty, Queen Callie.   So we kept them apart to avoid a catty confrontation complete with claws.  See, Callie still possesses all of hers and Jack only has back claws.  But he is male and huge and quite strong.  And I convinced myself and everyone else that the two kitties probably should not meet.

Jack took up residence in our basement and was only allowed upstairs when Callie was outside or in the garage.  Every time we let Callie in, we had to make sure Jack wasn’t around.   It wasn’t too much of a problem at first, because Jack was skittish being in a new place, so he seemed happy to stay downstairs.

blogDSCN7959But as he adjusted to us and his temporary home, he wanted to come upstairs more often and was quite verbal about that. 

The problem was that three adult people couldn’t seem to keep track of where Callie was at any given moment.  Suffice it to say there was a lot of time wasted tracking down cats.

One night, Callie lounged on the kitchen floor.  Oldest daughter had been checking on Jack’s food and water downstairs, playing with him a bit,  and decided to bring him upstairs. 

Uh-oh….prepare for the worst of times.  At least that’s what I thought.

Callie looked at Jack as if to say nonchalantly, “Huh.  Who are you?”  She seemed totally unconcerned that this foreigner was in her territory.  And she promptly continued lounging on the kitchen floor totally non-flustered by this new visitor.

Jack, however, was another story.   Big, brawny  Jack took one look at Callie, hissed, scrambled out of daughter’s arms,  and turned into the epitome of a scaredy cat.  He hightailed it down the basement stairs.  Yep, he ran away.  While Callie yawned and went back to sleep.

All my fears about having a cat fight in the middle of my house were unfounded.  So all my worries about the tale of two kitties was just much ado about nothing.   Jack is king of his own hill again exploring his new abode at that city apartment.  And as I write about this in Page 6, in Chapter 10 of my Opportunity book, Callie is curled up at my feet sound asleep on a fleecy Steelers blanket.

Seems like it was just the best of times after all for us here at the empty nest, for Callie and even for Jack, for everyone… except for those Steelers.  But that is another story.



Mama of this empty nest, I’m content to live a quiet, country life with my husband of 40+ years and to view gorgeous sunsets off our own back yard deck. Mama to three adults and Nana to adorable grandchildren, my empty nest fills up again with noise and laughter when they all return 'home'. A former English teacher, reporter/editor, education director for a non-profit organization, and stay at home mom, I retired after a season of substitute teaching at a private academy. Now I enjoy time spent with my grandchildren and family and writing words that seem to pour out of my soul or wandering around the countryside with my camera. Foremost, my faith sustains me as I meander through the empty nest stage of life. My favorite scripture is 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18: “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

16 thoughts on “A Tale of Two Kitties

  1. So glad you had the best and the best of times. 🙂

    When I had cats, a friend of mine brought her dog over, and wanted to know if I wanted her to leave him out in the yard.


    But I said, “No, you can bring him in.” Within a minute, my two kitties were running and meowing and circling that dog. Then, the male kitty ran upstairs. And my female kitty stood her ground at the bottom of the stairs, as if she were daring that dog to make a run for her “brother.”

    I was so proud of her! Of course, she was a full “puff,” arched back, tail up, the whole nine lives, I mean nine yards. But this encounter did come close to shaking one of those lives out of her… it’s hard to sustain that level of aggression and protection.

    She was so scared, though, that she almost threw up, and I had to ask my friend to put her dog in the yard. That was the last time we let a dog in the house.

    On a different note, I’m glad your daughter has moved closer to home! What an early thing to be Thankful for, in preparation for Thanksgiving.


    1. That’s one “hair-raising” story! I found it really amusing that your male kitty ran upstairs and the female stood her ground. I’d say there’s a mama lion in all those female kitties (and us mommies too!). Yes, I am very thankful to have our oldest daughter near by once more. Now if I could just convince our son to move back from the state next door, I’d be one happy clam. I’m looking forward to this because my family will have much for which to be thankful. I can’t wait. I love Thanksgiving!


  2. Really enjoyed hearing the story about Callie & Jack…..She’s such a sweet kittie… Glad someone besides your hubby is enjoying the ‘Steelers’ blankey… lol

    Big Sis


    1. That Steelers blankey AND the kitty blankey have been getting lots of use lately as the evenings have turned pretty chilly (and I will not turn on the furnace yet!) Thank you, Big Sis, for them. Everytime I curl up in my kitty one, I think of you. ♥♥


  3. T-Bob owns our house except when Zena comes to visit. Zena is our daughter and son-in-law’s lab. She is quite old, about two years older than T-Bob and wouldn’t hurt anything or anybody. T-Bob is not so sure about that fact, so disappears during their weekend visits. A common question when they come to visit is “Has anyone seen T-Bob?” No one seems to know…my husband has a list of several places in his head. I didn’t know we had so many good hiding places in this house.


  4. Your calico is gorgeous! My mother always got us black alley cats, and then two wild Siamese. I had several handsome boy-cats that looked like Jack and they all ran away, too! None of the females ever did…
    Loved cats when I was little but hubby has bad allergies–miss them!
    So glad your daughter is back closer to you all!!


    1. Our sweet calico just happened to “show up” in our yard when she was a kitten over 10 years ago. No one ever claimed her, even though we searched for her owners. So our kids of course had to keep her. She is, by far, the most loving and sweet animal we’ve ever owned. I am ecstatic that oldest daughter is close to home once again. Now if I could just get that son of ours to move back from the state next door!! 😉


  5. Oh, I love the previous comment! How cute! Your Callie looks very much like my Sundae. Sometimes I think it would be nice to have another kitty for company for her, but I’m not quite that brave!


  6. Sometimes they sure make you wonder! Jack is quite handsome. . . . . Maybe Callie was batting her eyelashes at him and he, the forever batchelor, ran for the hills. 😉


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